If you are a person with disabilities or special needs looking to get started in the field of arts, it helps to get to know as many like-minded people in the field as possible and get information about the kind of opportunities available. In this article, you will get to learn about some of the top art organizations for people with disabilities:
The U.S. Handicapable Square Dance Association
This convention has been around since 1988, and it has empowered many people with disabilities to thrive in dancing. You will find many talented and enthusiastic people from different age groups who will be happy to befriend you and provide their experience in the field. This convention is held every other year, typically in July.
De Colores
This is a popular organization working in California. It has absolutely no profit motive. Its sole objective is to increase the inclusion of disabled people in the arts field. It provides a space for artists to share their ideas with the world. It has many useful programs suitable for people with disabilities. The programs give you the opportunity to develop the necessary skills required to thrive in the field.
The Minnesota Access Alliance (MNNA)
If you are having difficulty finding opportunities to perform in front of a crowd, the MNNA can help you get started. It offers its members a wealth of resources to help them become familiar with accessibility and the various opportunities available in the state of Minnesota. If you are interested in dancing, photography, acting, music, and virtual arts, you will find the MNNA incredibly useful.
The Disability Project
This is an ensemble in Missouri that has become popular among people with disabilities that are interested in making a mark in the theatre industry. It gives you a chance to develop your theatre skills through different exercises. Here, you will find enthusiastic participants as young as 18 and as old as 70.
Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts
This alliance is committed to ensuring greater inclusion of disabled people in the entertainment industry. It encourages uncomfortable conversations and is a fierce advocate for positive social change. The alliance is aimed at helping people understand the history of the arts field and become aware of the various issues currently facing it. It gives artists plenty of opportunities to perform in front of different audiences.
Connect WC: Activities
Connect WC has proved to be a gift for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It helps them become aware of the various art organizations available. It is suitable for self-advocates and people who want to encourage people with disabilities to progress in the arts field.
To Sum Up
These are some of the top organizations for people with disabilities. Networking is at the heart of the growth of disabled performing arts. It has to occupy a respected position in the industry and needs more recognition.